Friday, April 3, 2020

Georgia Shelter in Place Supersedes Dunwoody Version

Update: Governor Kemp Authorizes all Law Enforcement to Uphold Exec Order, per GA 38-3-4. Not sure why municipal departments weren’t included on first two versions, but the clarification is welcomed.

Governor Kemp issued a pair of Executive Orders the past couple of days.  See HERE.  These  statewide Orders supersede similar local ordinances, including Dunwoody's.  The Dunwoody PD, at this time, is not authorized to enforce the provisions of the order.  The following entities are authorized: Dept of Public Safety, GA State Patrol, MCCD, Capitol Police, Dept of Public Health, Adjutant General (Nat'l Guard), and Offices of the Sheriff.  Under consideration by Governor Kemp to enforce the Executive Order: Cindy from NextDoor app, moderators of the Dunwoody Restaurant FB page, Dan Drake, and presidents of elementary school councils.  

Dunwoody PD is active in the neighborhoods and in the business districts, despite the absence of 100,000 daily workers in the PCID.  

Own a business in GA?  Here's a good read.  Georgia

The US Constitution and the 4th Amendment still apply, but local sign ordinances have been abandoned.  Feel free to place multiple signs in the Right-Of-Way on residential and commercial lots.  

Suggested items to buy (in addition to food/drink/sanitizing stuff)

Expand-A-Lung Breathing Fitness Exerciser

Pulse Oximeter (available many places, including Walgreens)

The China-Virus Pandemic is a blow to most people financially, but a great learning tool as well.  Have a kid in college or high school?  Have them look around and see which industries/businesses are truly essential.  Lots of students should be rethinking their major/minor/course selections.  A lot of wealth and businesses will not survive this pandemic, but new wealth and new businesses will be created.